Pick a movie!!

  • The Expandables
  • Pua Chu Kang:The Movie
  • Grown Ups

Saturday, September 03, 2005


To all TARC hostel resident...watch out for the lady in grey shirt but hair in green...She is seriously wanted by the authorities in blok F and also blok J.This person had escape from blok E and she is seriously ill headed. The person who found this lady may contact us by giving us a call at 012-...

Again,she is serously needed as she is classified as dangerous...Please watch out.


New hair style which is designed by the creative student from TARC hostel strike again!!This time the students over there had use some hair spray to add more highlights on it just to make it look unique...Even thought it is just a simple green with some blue...the students here make it so outstanding...According to Ericson Jansz "That's the best hair style I have ever seen.Even thought they use only sprays but the effects are positively,extremely cool.Maybe I should get my hair done it that way too...Then I will win TAR Idol next year".That really bring a good laugh to all the reporters over there...

p/s : Just a joke guys...hope you guys won't get angry lol

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