Pick a movie!!

  • The Expandables
  • Pua Chu Kang:The Movie
  • Grown Ups

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fess Up Everyone!!!
Time To Get Serious...It's Study Time
Yeah you guys can party all you want now...NOT!!
Everyone been studying now as I can see...everywhere I go I can see them facing down the text book...No suprise some students haven't even start to study yet...who mostly been busy online the whole time playing games or chatting with friends...someone like me(Yeah I know)
But don't worry.Cos now I'm studying hard...I skip class just t stay in room and study...and sucessfully I've been able to concentrate...and also able to finish my notes which I haven't been able to take since I skipped most of the lectures...Well...sometimes only when there is no test...
Anyway,back to the main one...
So listen up everybody!!
Start to study and work hard to make your parents proud of you and try not to make yourself retake the exam or resit for the exams next semester...
Lastly,good luck and + oil ok?And also break a leg...

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