Pick a movie!!

  • The Expandables
  • Pua Chu Kang:The Movie
  • Grown Ups

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

On The 26 October...

Before 12 o'clock midnight,my boyfriend asked me to went out for supper with him(we here call it "lim teh")...So I agreed.On the way there,my friend suddenly counted the time and when the clock stike 12 midnight,all of them wish us "Happy Birthday" and sang Birthday song for us.There are lots of version for birthday song and they sang it all countinuously.Finally,I'm now legally 18 and can go out whenever I want...Anyway,that's for the midnight celebration.
In th afternoon,one of my classmate came late to class.After she sat down,she throwed us 2 piece of paper which been coloured with pink and another yellow colour.We've been instructed to pick either 1 and I got to choose yellow colour.After we made our choices,my classmate,Cherlene,opened her bag and began to pull out 2 presents and pasted it to us.I got a red doggie named Patrick and my sister got a teddy bear with no name.It was cute!!Really...thanks guys...that mean so much to me.I mean the present and stuff...I have to carry the present to every class...Even thought it was embarrassing but I'm proud of it.Actually you guys don't have to buy anything for me...But thanks anyway.

Dinner time,my boyfriend can't have his dinner with me so as his friend so I have to eat alone.But still luck is on my side,me and my sister and a friend of mine name Ying Chen went out to Wangsa to have our dinner.We actually wanted to take a cab over there as it was kinda far but after waiting for so long,we decided to walk there.It was a long walk but it was fun as it was the first time me and my sister walk to Wangsa.After eating,we took a cab back to hostel cos this time all of us are full and feel lazy to walk.My boyfriend came back a few minutes after 3 of us came back.He don't want me to follow him to dinner and lied that he went out with his friend (actually he went out with another guy friend of mine name Ah Yap who is also my friend)is actually he went out to buy my birthday cake which cost RM62 from Secret Recipe!!!The cake was pretty and it's my favourite Chocolate.
They called all my hostel friend and we all went over to Canteen 2 to celebrate.We didn't play anything like cake war cos I begged them not to...I don't wanna clean up again like we did on Hui Fang's birthday party so I told them not to play.After take some pictures of the cake and ourselves,all of them sang birthday songs again with different versions...(that time the candle is in really damn short) so we faster make our wish and blow out the candle...Cutting the cake wasn't an easy task as the cake was kinda thick...But my friend helped me to divide it to all of them and some of us shared as there wasn't enough for us cos we gave some to the person who supply tissue for us...that is the person who sells burger in canteen 2.

We went out for lim teh again but this time in a big group and we met some of our friends in TBR mamak stall...That's the last celebration for my birthday as we all drink till 1 or 2 something in the morning.

Well,that's all for my up grade birthday party...Stay tune

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