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  • The Expandables
  • Pua Chu Kang:The Movie
  • Grown Ups

Friday, September 02, 2005

Yesterday it was Hui Fang's birthday (Who else??She's my best friend...Duh!!!)...
Well guess what we did a day before her birthday?As usual we went for our supper..also known as "lim teh"...Who went too?Well there is Ah Yap,Ah Foong,Christopher,Wen Liang,Tiek Chin,Han Neng and my sister...and also Hui Fang's friend whose name is unidentified...
Anyway we had a great time over there...Me and Tiek Chin went over to his house and grab a can of spray which cannot leave stains on our possesion but only smell stinks.We hide the can in Tiek Chin's pocket which it fit perfectly without Hui Fang's notice(It's at the back pocket that's why)...What happen next?
The place where Tiek Chin sit is right in front of Hui Fang...So what we do is we took out the spray and hide it under the table..open the can and spray on her leg!!!She gave out a yell and everyone in TBR(where we usually hang out) turn and look at us...We were all laughing till tears roll out...We then hide the can again cos she is hunting for it and wanna pay back on us.So everyone of us pretended to hide the can...Finally when she began to settle down again...Tiek Chin took the spray and began spraying the person beside him...only on the leg so don't worry bout the food...It was hilarious as everyone is watching what the hell happen over there.Then again our focus turn back to Hui Fang as spray is always in the air...around her.
After finishing our chit chatting and supper,we went over to Tiek Chin as Hui Fang and me wanted to go for a loo...Half walking and half chasing us from Christopher the Horrible with the can of spray we finally reach Tiek Chin's house and went to toilet.My lights in the toilet is being switched off by Christopher and I get kinda piss of cos I really hate in the dark alone in the middle of loo...
After getting out from the toilet we went back to hostel.In order to save the spray for tomorrow's event,we kept the spray cos Christopher keep on using it but never let us get a hold of it till I finally scolded him to let me keep the can of spray in my room cos Hui Fang never dare to take it...
As for yesterday,after finishing our problem in school we went over to Jaya Jusco to book Hui Fang's cake...Yes she was with us that time cos we scared if we buy the wrong cake she won't like it...Because of we even haven't took our breakfast yet,we went over to eat in Secret Recipe( I wonder what's so secret about it).We test the cake over there and finally book the cake called "Banana Chocolate" which is hui Fang's favourite...We brought that one cos another cake taste horrible and that's the only cake they left in their stock. We ate some Spegetti and Japanese Soba over there to eat and ate till we full...
Then at night around 9 p.m, me and Tiek Chin went over to Secret Recipe to take away the cake...and soon we reach hostel to prepare for the so called "Small Gathering"...We took some picture of the cake with a zoom lens of Olympus digital camera which belongs to Tiek Chin.We prepare the party in the hostel canteen which all of us call it canteen 2.Before that,in the afternoon we went over to Hui Fang's room to take some can of spray she left from the Merdeka event and put it in our room...
We hide the cans in the study room where Wen Liang and his girlfriend are studying together and half dating(Sorry to interrupt you guys...)and went to greet Hui Fang.She only notice the cake but didn't notice the can of spray where we gonna use it later.(I'll come into that later so just wait k)After taking some pictures with all of them...we sang birthday song to her and made her make a wish.After wishing and blowing off the candles...we took the can of spray which we hide it and spray at her...(the picture will show u guys later in next blog)Seriously,she really look like a mad lady running and chasing us without her shoes and with her hair filled with green and blue stuff we use to spray her.All of us over there keep on spraying her and laughing till we got stomach ache and also running from her cos she's too manage to grab a can of spray.Finally we manage to settle down and she too manage to cut the cake...only her hands tremble from the chasing and stuff and distribute the cake to the others using tissue as some sort of palm plate.
After finishing distributing the cake...the tug of war begins again which started by Ericson.I try to finish my cake but after coming back from the study room to keep Hui Fang's shoe being hide from them,my cake is gone to someone's T-shirt(I'm still wondering who got the stain from my cake).And soon the floor in the canteen is filled with cakes,cream and the can of spray stuff...and also banana.I manage to get some cream on my shirt and my pants and also hands are included...Soon everyone join in the war.Playing time is over and some begin to clean up the mess and some who don't want to clean begin to scatter away to their room to get change for supper.As cleaning is done,we went back to our room to take our bath or to get cleaned up by the shower and soap(That didn't help much as we still stinks with the spray stuff and cake).
We all then went for supper again in TBR and chatting is the only thing we do other than eating(this time no spraying).Only some spray while they eating(Dude,say it don't spray it k?)
All ended with goodbyes and see you again tomorrow...
Little did I realise,me and my sister is the youngest among them all as we are still actually 17 cos our birthday haven't arrive.

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