Pick a movie!!

  • The Expandables
  • Pua Chu Kang:The Movie
  • Grown Ups

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Yeah..31 August will arrive soon so now everyone had gone over to KL city to join in the fun.
Some rather miss out the fun cos there will be crowded with not only people but also cars...That someone who is willing to stay in room would be me(hehehe)...
But can't blame them for wanting to join in the fun as it is the good event as our country is celebrating the 48th Merdeka Day...where we're free from the British ruling.
Now some of the residents in TARC hostel is downstairs waiting impatiently for the fireworks...some waiting by dating...some waiting by playing badminton and some waiting by chit chatting with their friends...
As for us...who have thier room facing the nicest view that is KLCC and the KL Tower...we rather stay in our room to see the fireworks...and that again would be my room in blok F...
Yeah some of my friends are jealous that i have the nicest view and the most cooling room in the hostel...(it's cool cos it's on the 2nd floor where here we got 4 floor)
Now I'm sitting here waiting for the fireworks and also waiting for my friends to celebrate with me...Hope they can see the beautiful sight...haiz...
anyway..wish you guys Happy Hari Merdeka and enjoy as mush as you can...
As for the student's in TARC...after this celebration...you guys gonna continue your studies lol...So all I' goin to say is + oil and work hard...

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